Black Forest Eagle, Circa. 1890
A Monumental Black Forest carved American Eagle standing almost 8 feet tall, circa 1890. Carved in the form of a life-sized American Eagle perched on a rocky outcrop with outspread wings. Carvings of this size and calibre were often commissioned pieces which ended up in Chateaus and mansions in upstate New York.
More eagles can be seen pictured in 'Swiss Carvings: The Art of the 'Black Forest', by Michael & Simon Daniels, published by the Antique Collectors Club, Suffolk, England, published 2005 see pages 88-90.
A Monumental Black Forest carved American Eagle standing almost 8 feet tall, circa 1890. Carved in the form of a life-sized American Eagle perched on a rocky outcrop with outspread wings. Carvings of this size and calibre were often commissioned pieces which ended up in Chateaus and mansions in upstate New York.
More eagles can be seen pictured in 'Swiss Carvings: The Art of the 'Black Forest', by Michael & Simon Daniels, published by the Antique Collectors Club, Suffolk, England, published 2005 see pages 88-90.
A Monumental Black Forest carved American Eagle standing almost 8 feet tall, circa 1890. Carved in the form of a life-sized American Eagle perched on a rocky outcrop with outspread wings. Carvings of this size and calibre were often commissioned pieces which ended up in Chateaus and mansions in upstate New York.
More eagles can be seen pictured in 'Swiss Carvings: The Art of the 'Black Forest', by Michael & Simon Daniels, published by the Antique Collectors Club, Suffolk, England, published 2005 see pages 88-90.